Coffee Labels - Smart Tips To Stay Ahead On The Competitive Coffee Market

January 25, 2021
Triangle background image

Who wouldn’t indulge in a cup of steaming and freshly brewed coffee in the morning? Or savor it during lunch break? People yearn to relish in its taste and fragrance with the smallest occasion. Let’s call it… a delightful addiction and necessity. Coffee is and has been one of the most consumed beverages in the world for over four centuries. Statistics show a constant growth of the coffee segment in volume and revenue. For the next five years, an annual market growth of 8.3% has been predicted.                  


Everybody buys coffee on a daily basis. Whether it’s a to-go latte on a busy work day or the favorite 100% Arabica roasted beans from the store, this black drink makes our world spin. But this also puts producers and businesses into high competition.

This means sustained effort to find the right strategy to attract drinkers and sell. And part of this strategy, as we know it, is image and communication. This can keep your business a step ahead on the market.

Coffee packaging and coffee labels are a great way to communicate and create an image. Match your visual identity with the product’s unique taste and make people choose your brand.

Do you need some tips on how to make that happen easier? Dive in with me to find out.      

Why Are Coffee Labels Important?

Coffee packages thrive with diversity and originality. On the shelves of stores or online, they allure people with their design. Many have suggestive imprinted images on the packaging that catch the eye.                  

Three bottles with one white label and two black label that read "Cold Brew Coffee".

Coffee labels, on the other hand, take things to the next level. From the simple and clear apothecary style, to vivid colors, labels tell stories. And not only for coffee bags. Cold brew coffee sold in bottles, for example. It’s less probable that anyone would buy it without a label stating what the product is, and listing the ingredients. Or the coffee jars of grind coffee varieties. Needless to say, people choose what to put in their cart based on what they read on the coffee labels. Moreover, few are familiar with the coffee production process. Not to mention the roast degree of beans, or how finely ground they are. And the brewing instructions on the label save many from spoiling the coffee's aroma.                  

orange coffee label

So, if you ever doubt whether to spend part of the budget on labels, here's why you should do it. Coffee labels:      

  • Complete and complement your product
  • Allure customers to be curious about your coffee, read and buy
  • Provide vital information about the coffee, lists the ingredients
  • Differentiate coffee variations of your brand
  • Promote the uniqueness of your product and brand
  • Give instructions for brewing

You can check out more about the importance of labels and packaging in our dedicated blog post.

That said, let’s move forward to see what exactly should a coffee label contain.      

Elements To Include On Your Coffee Labels

Labeling is not only about showing off logos and nice typography to allure.

Actually, their main purpose is to provide full and accurate information about products. And at the same time, they must be compliant with national regulations.

So, there are a few aspects to keep in mind when creating your coffee labels.

Mandatory information

Food and beverage labeling must follow the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's rules. Before putting your products on the market, you must make sure they are in line with the FDA's guidelines. This means the Food Labeling Guide should be your primary source of guidance when thinking about the contents of your coffee labels.                  


The clear and specific instructions in the guide will help you get those labels right.

And here's the main info that's mandatory for your coffee labels to contain on the display panels:

  • Product identity

Name of your product displayed prominently in bold.

  • Net weight

Net quantity of the coffee product (oz/g/ml).

  • Ingredients

Must be listed by weight, from greatest to least.

  • Nutrition facts

Together with the ingredients and company info.

  • Company information

Name and address of manufacturer, packer, or distributor.

  • Expiration date

The shelf life suggestion usually goes under "Best before".

  • Barcode

Easy way to scan and read the information about your product.

However, if you produce and sell 100% pure coffee, things are easier. You don't have to go through the complex nutrition labeling process.


Setting the guidelines for food safety, the FDA states that foods such as “coffee beans (whole or ground), tea leaves, plain instant unsweetened instant coffee and tea […]” are exempt from including the nutrients and components on the nutrition label.

(Food Labeling Guide, “Foods of No Nutritional Significance”, L120)

But if your product is not 100% pure coffee, you must stick to the rules. If you sell a blend or beverage, you need to add the extra ingredients on the coffee label and state their percentage.

Of course, there's more to add to your labels. There are other claims and elements that you might want to display about your product.

Stick with me to have a brief look at them.

Other claims to have on your coffee labels

First, make sure that the mandatory information fits as per rule on your label. Then, you can add other different claims, if compatible with your product.

These claims are usually sustainability certifications. They are granted to coffee roasters by different certification and sustainability bodies. And they appear on the front of coffee labels.

So, for example, if your coffee is a 100% organic blend, showing the certifying seal on the label will make your coffee more appealing to people who prefer organic products.



Coffee grown on soil where synthetic fertilizers and pesticides have been prohibited. USDA certified.


Fair Trade

Sustainable and equitable trade relationships, fair prices and terms for farmer and workers.


Direct Trade

Direct and transparent relationships with farmers and processors selling their products.

rainforest alliance

Rainforest Alliance

Sustainable agriculture meeting specific requirements, and fair treatment of workers.


Bird Friendly

Also Shade Grown. The most strict shade/habitat standards of any coffee certification.


Single Origin

Coffee sourced from a single region and crop, usually from small farms, picked by hand and offering unique features.

Also, write down the coffee beans type. And the roasting degree.

  • region
  • altitude
  • coffee variety
  • roasting process
  • whole bean or ground
  • aroma
  • taste
  • texture

“Freshly roasted” is also a good indicator of the coffee's nuances of taste. When beans are freshly roasted, the level of CO2 and oil in the coffee beans is high. So giving the coffee some time to rest and degas will increase the quality of the brew.

coffee labels details

Other labels mention:

  • region
  • altitude
  • coffee variety
  • roasting process
  • whole bean or ground
  • aroma
  • taste
  • texture

And why not tell a few things about your brand, your story or mission? As long as the label allows you to, in terms of space, give as many details as possible about your coffee, in the most clear but seductive way.

Black label that reads "Arabica Coffee" on a black and white box with a tree and a snake.


Labels should never confuse or mislead the consumers. This can lead to a bad image for your brand and even legal issues for your company. It’s best to stay updated and upfront, and attract customers with your unique products.

We're not done yet. Enticing coffee labels means combining creativity with practicality. And here's what works when it comes to visual elements.      

Tips For Smart Coffee Labels Design

Labels communicate through shape, color, typography and other design elements.

So you can combine your company’s identity with the hard work behind it. For example, you can choose images that reflect your values, work at the farm, or any action you're involved in. Or you can use colors to communicate about you and your amazing product. And the result can’t be anything but outstanding.                  

packages with coffee labels


A custom shaped label, for example, is going to make your coffee product special. It will be visible, and easily recognizable from afar.

A glass bottle with a beige and orange label that states "Cold brew coffee liqueur".

What will you stick your labels on?

Coffee bags or pouches? Ground or instant coffee jars? Any shape can go on your cold brews or coffee-based beverages.

For bottles, a rectangular wrap-around neck label is a wonderful choice. You can add some extra info on it. Or simply use it to differentiate the bottles and increase recall.


The color palette on your labels must be consistent with the packaging. But most importantly, it must represent you entirely.

coffee-jars-colored labels

Plus, colors help customers differentiate between your products. If you sell varieties of coffee or coffee drinks, each specialty will have its own color.

And more, unique coffee labels help you maintain brand consistency.

So choose your colors carefully.


Be bold. Use bold. And by this, I mean to use bold typography for the name of your brand and product, and for any other element that you want to get attention to. It can be any information you consider relevant.

You can also use witty words or funny statements, like Gourmet: "A mellow blend that will have you singing in the shower."

Or any alluring descriptive terms that you think define your product. Keep it truthful though. And keep it clear.

Consumers must always understand what they are reading, and they must find in the package what you advertised on the label.




If space allows it, or if the design concept welcomes it, you can use images to make your coffee labels even more suggestive.

Images never fail to influence how we perceive things, and they always send a message.

A Few Inspiring Examples of Coffee Labels

A sneak peek at coffee packages and labels on the market can be helpful to get an idea about what works for you and your brand.

Black container with black label that reads "Cold Brew".
coffee labels

Custom Coffee Labels From YourBoxSolution

YourBoxSolution's mission is to create quality packaging that empowers your brand. We pride in our 29 years of experience and dedication. We're available when you need us, and we're transparent.

Whatever specific requirements you may have, we have the best options for you.

Shapes and Sizes

Round, rectangular, or custom. Our labels come in any shape and size you want.

Materials and Types

All our labels are made of BOPP. Choose your white, clear, or metallic BOPP labels.

Coatings and Finishes

Extra customization options for a special touch: Gloss, Matte, and Soft Touch Lamination.

Extra Options

For an exquisite look, Gold Foil is the perfect choice to make anything stand out.


There are no multiple version fees. Different design quantities in the same quote.


Quick turnaround times. We work fast, and you can keep track of the process.

We're ready to give your coffee labels the best treatment! Get in touch today!

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