Unique Candle Packaging Ideas For Your Business

September 30, 2020
Triangle background image

If passion is the driving force behind your candle business, then packaging should complement your art.  

It’s clear that candles have become a major part of our everyday lives. Besides, they are a trend nowadays. In all sorts of forms and textures, used on different occasions or gifted to the loved ones, candles bring joy.

The general perception is that if a product looks good from the outside, then it must be good on the inside. Let’s look at this another way. What if your candle not only looked and smelled good in the retail packaging but also had a high-end look that created brand loyalty?

Now, that’s something you shouldn’t sleep on.

Let’s have a look at some unique candle packaging ideas and tips for upgrading your brand to create an amazing first impression with your candle boxes.

Candle packaging ideas at YourBoxSolution

If you’re looking to package, present, and make that fragrance stand out, we certainly have the best packaging for it. Let’s take a look at the different types of candles in our portfolio of boxes!

Candle packaging ideas at YourBoxSolution Images
Candle packaging ideas at YourBoxSolution Images

Tips for different types of candles

With so many types of candles and brand personalities, there’s no single way of doing things. Check out our tips for different types of candles below!

Votive Candle

When thinking of votive candles, labels are the go-to option. But you can stand out on the shelf by doing things a bit differently…

If you’re looking for an easy packaging option, you can package your votive candles in a blank box. Then, personalize the box with a custom label and you’re already taking a huge leap in front of your competition.

You can also bring your product marketing to another level by using a custom printed box.

Colorful and richly designed box with white label that reads "Votive Candles".
Exquizite uses a beautifully colored custom printed box for their set of 8 scented candles

Taper Candle

When you think of taper candles, you don’t associate them with luxury or quality. Usually, nothing except the color or scent makes them stand out. And that’s where you can improve on things for your own taper candles.

Taper candles packaging

We love how Hyoola decided to package their taper candles. They created a kraft paper box with a unique cutout pattern. Consequently, this enables them to tell the consumer what they stand for. The candles are handmade, using natural ingredients (beeswax) and are sustainable, so the kraft paperboard is a perfect choice.

Aromatherapy Candles

Perhaps your main focus is to offer delicate sensory experiences to your candle fans. Customers use aromatherapy candles for relaxing baths, yoga sessions, or stress relief. The luxury candle packaging ideas include printing elements such as embossing, hot foiling, or inside printing. We’ll cover these in a bit.

Make sure you make the most of that special fragrance by keeping your candles well packed. Choose the box that fits your style, customize it, and let your customers crave for more.

Foil stamping boxes
Great choice of our client Maui – air-tight paperboard boxes with cheerful finishing

Decorative Candles

Decorative candles are small pieces of art that beautify homes and workspaces. So your customers love and want them for their original design. They’ll either want to buy your candles for themselves or to offer them to loved ones in candle gift boxes.

Make sure you choose a suitable packaging, that guarantees the integrity of the product. A sturdy box with or without an insert to prevent the candle from moving can do the job. Plus, remember to customize it as a reflection of what’s inside and you’ll increase brand perception tenfold.

Decorative candles
Decorative candles luxury

Tealight Candles

The creativity for tealight candles is limitless. They come in all sorts of colors, scents, shapes, and containers. Despite this, the most common type of packaging for tealights is that dull shrink-wrap.

Your tealights can make a difference on the shelf. You can choose from a simple white or kraft paperboard box to a customized one, with a nice cutout or display window. Apply a label or a suggestive sleeve and it’s done. Your candle pack is already special.

Tealight packaging
Effective idea of Hanna Blossom to let her customers see the flower candles in this botanic printed box
Tealight candle packaging
Plain kraft paperboard to keep it simple and clear, with branded label applied on the sleeve (Source)

Are you considering spending some extra for a unique collection or a limited edition? Check out this idea on how to make your special tealight candles stand out even more.

Three packages for candles in three different colors.
Sorbet is a cosmetics producer, but their brilliant idea of selling individually packed candles in a limited range works well in their favor. The candles look like small pieces of art that will definitely attract customers.

Pillar Candles

Pillar candles have an elegant note even if they come in the simplest form. Take this simplicity to the next level. Choose an eye-catchy design and/or cutout for your boxes. Have a look at the two attractive examples below.

Pillar candles
Minimal design and smart package cutout – in tone with the candle – clean, clear, and classy (Source)
Pillar candle packaging
Another simple and bright solution  for the natural and eco-friendly products made by Queen B

So far, we went through what type of packaging goes with different types of candles.

Now let’s see why you should bother about the packaging in the first place.

You don’t want to miss the next part…

Packaging ideas for candles - how to add value

You’re selling a great product and your customers are loyal. But you want more sales, right? The candle business is your passion. You put your soul into it every day so you want to build a family of loyal customers – your tribe.

How about creating a link that builds and binds this relationship? This link is the packaging you choose for your products. It’s your image. It conveys the message that you think highly of your products and you value your customers.

You create a brand image. You get customer loyalty. You boost your sales.

Simple, right? Let’s take a closer look into why packaging adds value to your business.

1. Packaging provides information

Your packaging must be clear and simple. Besides material, colors, or any finishes you might want to add, your goal is to make people buy your product. In order to do that, you need a clear message about your brand and product.

A catchy design is definitely a great benefit. At the same time, the information they read on the packaging can sway their decision to put it in their basket or back on the shelf.

Let’s see what kind of information is usually included.

  • Brand and Logo - It’s important to let your customers know who made the product and help them remember it. Make it easy for them to spot your candles among your competitors.
  • Product Name - You can choose to give your candles a fancy name (like Black Orchid), or just write “beeswax candle” on the box. Both options are great and will help your customers identify the product easily.
Candle packaging info
Have a look at this luxury gift package. Aquiesse made sure to apply a silver logo label on the candle jar, while it’s also clearly visible on the package box sleeve. Nicely done!
  • Type of the Product - Perhaps you sell soy candles, natural beeswax candles, scented candles, or gel candles. Mention the type on the box. Some customers prefer 100% natural products, or some might prefer the scented ones. It’s important for the buyer to identify the preferred product to make a choice.
  • Benefits - List a few benefits that your candle has. If it burns 24 hours, make sure you highlight that. If it smells divine, write a blurb about it. People buy things for the benefits that a product has to offer.
A candle in a glass and its box displaying details and benefits.
The labels of Sniff inform customers about the fragrances, burn time, and manufacture of their soy candles. On the box, they mention that their candle is perfect for men too, which makes it a great gift idea.
  • Story or Mission - Your brand’s story lets customers know about the people behind the product. Share how your company took shape. Or tell them about your values or mission. Let them feel they are contributing to the wellbeing of communities you support. Whatever makes you special – let them know.
BOH zoomed in Mission info
Silver container with dark label that displays the ingredients.
  • Ingredients - The ingredients of your candles can be an important decision factor for a customer. Let’s suppose she’s looking for eco-friendly or toxic-free candles. Or she has an allergy to certain substances. Make sure to always list the ingredients and be in line with the applicable regulations.
  • Warnings - No matter how delightful they are, candles are a potential health and safety hazard if not used correctly. So make sure you include cautionary labels, and signs. Most of them also have extra manufacturer instructions on how to burn the candle properly.
  • Quantity - Some businesses also prefer to have the quantity of the product (e.g. 7.9oz/185g). If that’s relevant to you, put that on the label or on the box.

Sometimes a few seconds are enough for the customer to make a decision. From our experience, you should never underestimate the importance of your message.

2. The packaging impacts brand perception

Why would someone pick your candles from the shelf, when there are so many brands and varieties? And how do you make yours stand out from the competition?

Nicely labeled tins or jars, or witty tags and ribbons on the candles do a magnificent job grabbing eyeballs. But there’s a next level. Quality packaging and labeling matter for your brand image because it sends a message. The message is that you show value and respect for both your products and your customers. Moreover, it means that their experience is important to you.

Be the reason behind a smile...

Imagine this… A husband may want to offer a gift to his wife on a special occasion. Or a daughter may want to bring some joy to her mother on her birthday.Through your product you can directly contribute to a memorable moment.

Candle gift box

Think about the pleasure of that person when they see and touch the smooth and nicely colored paper box wrapped with a fine ribbon. Imagine the excitement of opening it and seeing what’s inside. The shape, the color, the fragrance, the emotion – all these get associated with your brand.

The way your boxes look can turn love at first sight for your products into a long lasting one. Without a doubt, this adds value to your business, builds brand loyalty, and increases your sales.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

But there’s even more.

3. The packaging provides protection

Let’s be honest, you invested blood, sweat and tears into your products. But now they have to reach your customers safely and in one piece. You definitely wouldn’t want to see all your efforts melting away.

As a candle producer, besides trying to create a lasting impression and selling, you’re also dealing with less fun things. Shipping, handling, and storage can quickly become a nightmare. And the last thing you want is for your candles to be damaged during transportation or on the shelves.

Good packaging prevents candle deformation, braking, chipping, or melting. Sometimes not even a discount will move these products off the shelf.

High temperatures and sunlight will cause candles to soften, melt, or make the scent and color fade faster.

Cracked candle

Keep your candles safe...

Let’s suppose your customer wants to buy her favorite pumpkin jar candle but she’s in for a surprise at the store. The jar is nowhere to be found, the candle is cracked and she can barely feel the fragrance. It’s definitely not what she was looking for. A suitable packaging would have prevented this.

The same is valid for low temperatures (freezing included) and moisture. These damage not only the candle, but also the wick, which is very susceptible to such problems.

Whether you’re supplying your candles in jars, tins, or in a paperboard box – always go for quality. It will support their delicacy, and preserve their aspect & fragrance. Your job is to make sure they are safe within the box so they arrive intact on the shelves and finally in your customers’ hands.

4. Unique candle packaging ideas - create multiple designs

Chances are you may have multiple types of scented candles. How can buyers differentiate between them or receive the message you’re trying to convey? If you’re selling candles with various fragrances it’s good practice to create a visual distinction for each product. This way, the customers will associate the color with the scent or theme.

Multiple versions candle packaging
We just love how Wiff chose bright and playful colors to define each of their candles that have different fragrances and witty names. Now that’s something very creative!

Let’s also have a look at one of our clients, The Beauty of Hope. They gave each of their collections a name and a specific color. The labels also have different nuances and names.

Fall collection candle packaging
Fall collection
Wonder collection candle packaging
Wonder collection

As an added bonus, when doing multiple versions with YourBoxSolution, you’re eligible for quantity discounts. There’s no reason not to give each of your candles special treatment. Make them stand out and your customers will want to try them all.

Candle packaging ideas for boxes, materials, and finishes

Candles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They range from having a shrink wrap with a label, to candles that are in a league of their own. Attractive, luxurious and distinct.

What type of packaging do you think fits your brand best?

Remember, packaging defines you and your product. In addition, it creates a connection between you and your customer. When deciding on what type of candle packaging suits your product best, keep in mind the experience you want your customers to have.

Luxury candle packaging
Luxury candle glass vessel and packaging from Donna Marie Marbella

Make it unique and captivating. Adopt an original design that will show your brands’ logo and name and help you stand out.

Let’s take a look at what types of boxes we can help you with.

1. Types of boxes

Here are some of the box types that we offer and are suitable for candles. You can choose the one that’s best for your candles and customize it as you wish.

Lock Bottom Box (LB)

Lock bottom boxes

Durable and strong – the bottom locking tabs close together into a secure fit that works well with heavier items

Crash Bottom Box (CB)

Crash bottom boxes

The crash bottom box has the flaps glued together, making it perfect for heavy items. Your candle jars won’t slip out of the box

Sleeve Packaging (SE)

Sleeve packaging

Open at both ends, a sleeve easily slides over the product or over a blank or custom-made box

You can also explore our most popular candle box sizes that we make here at YourBoxSolution. We’re all about creating a custom experience. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, submit a quote request and we’ll create a custom candle box for you.

2. Candle packaging ideas - choose the right material

A quality product requires high quality packaging material. It can say a lot about you and your brand. It’s part of your image. For example, kraft paperboard that is made out of 100% post-consumer recycled material often implies that you care about the environment.

Have you thought about the material you want to use for your candle boxes?

Keep in mind that it must not only suit your design requirements, but it must be the perfect match for your candle type, too. A jar candle, for example, needs a box made of a sturdy material and it must have a durable and strong bottom. Otherwise, you risk your product slipping out and breaking.

A crash bottom box offers extra bottom support for jar candles. Choose a thick white paperboard printed with your design and typography. This is also the perfect solution for scented candles as it prevents the scent from fading away.

Crash bottom box

Make that material matter...

Combine any design with a strong paperboard (up to 24 points) and your candles will be safe.

Let’s have a quick look at the material options…

White paperboard

Premium SBS Paperboard sustainably produced

Empty brown paperboard from which boxes are made of.

Brown Kraft Paperboard eco-friendly, using 100% recycled material

Metallized paperboard

Metallic paperboard       extra silver substrate that makes any color shine

Our SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulphate) is 50% recycled, 30% of which is post consumer waste material. To make the paper white, the pulp is bleached. Our 17.2pt and 19.2pt paperboard has a coated top surface in one layer (C1S) while our 24pt paperboard has both surfaces coated (C2S).

Vintage candle packaging

Kraft Paperboard is an eco-friendly alternative for  packaging materials. First, it defines your image as a producer committed to environmental sustainability and natural products. Second, it can also be a wonderful choice if you want to give your collection a vintage look. Third, it provides a sensory experience as kraft paper has a slight texture, particularly pleasant to touch. All these can distinguish your brand from other competitors.

Metallized paperboard has a fine silver film substrate that makes any color look metallic without using dies or hot foil stamping. Also, you can choose if you want the shiny effect to cover the entire box or just some parts of it. Read more about printing on metallic paper and get in touch if you’ve got some particular requirements for your candles.

Next, let’s dive deeper and see how you can make your candle packaging look premium.

3. Cutouts, coatings, and laminates

Coatings and laminates make your packaging stronger and provide extra protection against scratches or abrasion.

Gloss UV Coating

  • Default coating
  • UV dried liquid coating
  • Protection against sun rays

Spot Gloss Coating

  • Gloss coating on determined areas
  • Contrast makes the glossy area “pop up”

Gloss Laminate

  • Slick and shiny finish
  • Smooth surface
  • Adds thickness and strength to the box

Foil Stamping

  • Shine-free
  • Smooth surface
  • Adds thickness and strength to the box

Soft-Touch Laminate

  • Ideal for creating a sensory appeal
  • Hints to luxury
  • Adds strength to the box

Scuff-Proof Laminate

  • Can take a beating
  • Very soft sheen, not a full true matte finish
  • Adds extra thickness, strength to the box

4. Hot foil stamping, embossing and debossing

These extras take your packaging efforts to the next level. Plus, they won’t break your budget!

Matte Laminate

  • Metallic foil effect
  • Emphasizes a logo or a design element
  • Combined with embossing creates a striking 3D image


  • Tridimensional raised pattern on the box
  • Highlights logos or specific elements of the brand
  • Luxurious touch sensation


  • Tridimensional depressed (lowered) pattern on the box
  • Combined with other post-printing techniques, offers full tactile experience

Inside Printing

  • Adds value to the packaging
  • Inside space continues brand story
  • Perfect for instructions or inspiring messages


  • Cuts of any shape and size that allow seeing the candles inside
  • Can be applied on any paper – white, kraft, or metallic

Read more about:

Cutout for candle packaging

Cutouts of all shapes and sizes make boxes more appealing and customers can get a sneak-peak of the product. If they can see it, smell it, experience it – chances are much higher they’ll buy it.

We all had that moment at the store when we picked up a product. Had it in our hands, the info on the package was appealing, and we were about to put it in the basket. But we couldn’t resist that impulse of opening the box to actually see what’s inside. We needed to be sure, ‘Yes, I definitely want this.’

Inserts are a good way to add additional protection to your candles. They prevent the candle from moving inside the box.

We can make your box inserts to fit your product size to perfection. And you can also print them so the whole box looks more appealing.

The inside of an opened box with a red design.

Candle packaging ideas - make use of labels

Candle labels are a cost-effective packaging solution. They can be applied to a blank box, wrapping or directly on the candle. The candle labels enable you to:

  • provide simple and clear information
  • make your product stand out through color and typography
  • keep consistency with the rest of the packaging

Unique candle packaging with labels from YourBoxSolution

Below are the label types we produce. Any choice you make will look amazing on your candles.

White Labels

Printed on white film. Any color can be printed on top of the white ink.

White labels

Clear Labels

Printed on transparent background film. Illusion of an “invisible label”.

Clear labels

Metallic Labels

Printed on a silver substrate. Makes all printed colors appear metallic.

Metallic labels

Our labels are waterproof, easy to peel and apply. What’s more, you can also add hot foil stamping to their surface, making your candle labels appear more classy. We offer free lamination (matte or gloss) no matter the material you choose, to add some extra customization to your product.

  • Gloss Laminated Labels - Adds a shiny finish and a very reflective surface to the label area.
  • Matte Laminated Labels - Adds a subtle, non-glossy finish for a special effect.
  • Soft Touch Laminated Labels - Creates a shine-free surface, offering a smooth feel and elegant look.

Wherever your creativity leads you, we are here to make it happen.

Candle warning labels

Candles are delightful objects that enchant our senses. Nevertheless, they are burning with an exposed flame and are a potential health and safety hazard.

As a candle producer, you must fully understand the government labeling laws before printing your labels or tags.

The National Candle Association recommends that most cautionary labels have the following three key rules for candle fire-safety:

Burn within Sight, Keep Away from Combustibles, and Keep Away from Children.

For more information, you might want to check the official recommendations.

Cautionary label


Elevate Your Packaging

We understand the passion and effort you’ve put in your business. Supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs is one of our core values. We’re here for you every step of the way.

If you’re looking for a quality packaging solution, that is affordable and made in the US, get in touch with us. We take the pain out of the process while keeping you in the loop. So you can focus on what you do best.

We can’t wait to serve you!

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